Scandinavian living room
Where the clear-cut contrasts meet.
Modern dining room
Thoughtful design and innovative approach.
Historical seating place
Practical and functional status.
Cozy living room
Comfortable and elegant approach.
Minimalist living room
The image of a simple and modern home.
Refulgent living room
Spacious and esthetic mood.

Legal advice

Any activity is inextricably linked to legal issues and depending on the area of activity all persons and companies are related to different areas of law. You can use legal service provided by Bergsby Iuris for a reasonable fee in the required volume and/or a period of time. To our customers the initial consultation and examination of materials is free of charge.

Legal adviceOur professional legal service is aimed at the protection of customer’s interests in the best possible way. We provide daily assistance solving legal issues to individuals and to small and medium-sized businesses.

Our lawyers have a long-term judicial experience who use their knowledge at the best professional level by servicing the clients, being creative and devoted to the objectives. Our team has extensive experience in commercial law, law of obligations and labor law.

We prefer a reasonable approach in drawing up contracts or settling disputes, ie we try to find solutions that take into account the legitimate interests of both parties. Our objective is to provide the best advice to the client to exclude the long and expensive court disputes which might incur in the future.

Commercial law

We assist you in the questions related to the entrepreneurship and in drawing up the documentation.

Law of Obligations

To achieve objectives of contracting parties it is essential to involve a lawyer in the early stage of negotiations who will look to all the legal aspects of the contract.

Labor law

We consult the employers and employees in settling the different questions of labour law. We prepare the documents regulating the labour relations and assist in settlement of disputes.

If the above does not match exactly your concern do not hesitate to contact us. Accurately described problem helps us to decide how can we best help you.

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